“I’ve lots of flaws these days”
“my mum threw me in the pool. She swam the channel”
“you see what we’ve got going here”
“the first time you get a kid out of armbands – I get a big buzz”
“spare a thought for the poor parent”
“floating feels quite scary”
“when I’m in the water I look normal”
“a different world completely”
“I imagined that I was in Greece”
“I count lengths – you don’t want to cheat”
“I find it unbeliveably boring”
“I felt like it’s been with me all my life – from that moment. I want to make it big”
“before you dive you feel your heart pumping – and in the middle of your dive everything goes, really, all of your senses.”
“It’s like being a kid again”
“It’s sheer therapy for me”
“I count in Spanish, up to Cinquento, which is 50. But after that I count backwards, which is harder”
“I wish I were 28, I were 28 once”
“where else can a lady whose 71 go and be on her own? Well, there is nowhere, but there is here.”
“on the pool- it’s for the young, good looking ones. I’m too old to work on poolside, I’m not wearing shorts!”
“my mind is thinking about all sorts of things – positive – thinking negative has never been my style.”
“fish and chips afterwards”
“I can’t stand swimming – I like sailing though, the rougher the better”
“I like the idea of mastering the fear.”