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She Stood

She stood at the top of the hill. She stood at the top of the hill in the dusk of late summer and looked out across the trees. The highest point for miles, small ruined stonework at the top. She stood on top of a stone, jutting out of the ground, in a long, flowing skirt, her hair dancing in the wind she looked across the cooling ground. The kind of sunset that makes reserved people embarrassed. Showy. And rich. Like spicy orange chocolate. She knew he was behind her, steadying his camera. And she could feel the wind, whipping at her hair. They had known each other a few days, a matter of hours, but they knew right now all they ever wanted to know. They felt giddy, laughed a lot. An orange coloured mini had sped down country roads with strawberry cheesecake ice cream and a blanket in the back. She had leant into the corners as his stereo played loud, deep, soft, electronic music, music that felt like fireworks and the wind through trees. And she had grinned, and they had laughed as they shivered on the blanket, sharing a spoon. And with the taste of sugar, and metal, and cold, numb mouths, he pulled her close. He kissed her. They had watched the stars come out.

This is the memory I have. My daughter thinks it is because I have the picture. I always kept the picture. Took it with me always. I don’t remember much. They always tell me I don’t remember much, well they tell me they always tell me, and why would they lie? Anyway, it’s my daughter, I trust her. I remember my daughter. Her beautiful face. That’s not gone yet. She’s a woman. I don’t know what that makes me. Old, I suppose, finally. I don’t mind. I’m not sad. How do miss what you don’t remember you’ve had? It’s hazy, but I can still chatter away. I’m chattering away aren’t I? But I remember her. I remember that girl, who thought she was a grown up, 19 years old and standing on top of that hill. I have the photo he took. I don’t remember what happened to him. But I get the feeling, I get the feeling that’s one of the things I’m glad I forgot. My granddaughter wrote something down on this piece of paper, when her mother wasn’t looking. I have a granddaughter for goodness sake! ‘He broke your heart grandma’ it says. I must have told her the story. I think I am glad it’s gone, that bit, I’m glad he went. I think that would hurt. But the other memory – I’ve got the photo. I don’t want to give that up. I’m not going to give that up. I can still taste it.

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Rehearsed Reading/Comission

Hello all, just a quick entry following the rehearsed reading of Eismas in Stoke Newington last night, a massive thanks to Scary Little Girls Productions for the opportunity, and the hard work of the following people:

OnaSally Mortemore (pictured)
Dominic – Nick Afka (pictured)
Stage Directions – Sharon Andrews
Direction – Rachel Warr (pictured)

It was really brilliant to see a scene from this piece on its feet, the actors and director were wonderful, that director really seemed to get the heart of the piece and the characters straight away (which is reassuring for my writing). And the actors were lovely, Nick really got hold of the frenetic impotence of Dominic, and Sally the lonely strength of Ona. The audience had some really interesting reactions to it and I have lots of scribbled notes which will be useful in a redraft (Eismas is currently only at first draft stage). I still haven’t quite got used to real people playing the words that I write, it was really moving to see this scene in particular played out as it is kind of the crux of the first half of Ona and Dominic’s emotional journey. It’s also still very interesting to see how audience react to (for want of a better genre) speculative fiction on stage, some people really seem to click with the political intent of the piece, and thought that the emotions drew you in, but the future setting distanced you enough for analysis, whereas others felt too alienated, or thrown too far into the deep end (though admittedly we did choose a highly emotional scene, halfway through). All in all a brilliant experience, I unfortunately had to leave straight after the formal feedback section and didn’t get a chance to chat with people afterwards, but Becca, who runs SLGP, said she’d be in contact soon, so I’m looking forward to that!

Also, one extra piece of brilliant news is that I’ve been offered a commission! How brilliant, with a proper workshopped reading and a commission under my belt I no longer feel a fraud when responding to ‘what do you do?’ with ‘I’m a playwright’. Here are some details about the commission:

[Box of Tricks Theatre Company are] currently developing plans for our Autumn/Winter season, and are looking to programme Word:Play 3 – one word, six new plays. The premise, as ever, is to give six playwrights a word of inspiration and commission them to write a 15-minute play in response.

The last one was at Theatre503, so quite well known venue possibilities. I’m so happy about this, and not just because it’s specifically brilliant news, but also before, more generally, that I keep on pushing a little further, get long listed, then short listed, get readings and small commissions, it means I’m getting better, and that It’s worth trying. It can be hard to tell sometimes, with half a year between submission and feedback, whether you should keep trying, or whether you’re self-delusional. Hopefully this is another step forward, and the trying should continue. So yes, watch this space for more exciting news on that!

Finally, just a little nod to all on Twitter who offered support and travel advice throughout the day yesterday! I am actually beginning to worry that I like my twitter friends a lot more than I like my Facebook ones, which is a tad worrying, as twitter is made mainly for people I’ve not met IRL! Mind you most of my best friends seem to be tech-challenged and aren’t on either (or don’t use fbook very much). And I think adding people on twitter is more about people who you admire or are interested in, whereas Facebook is about people you’re photographed or went to school/uni with… Hm. Maybe it’s just because Twitter is only bout the words/joke/sentiment, and it’s just an expression of character which appeals to me more? I wonder…

Must be off now, my lovely friend Jon visiting this weekend for wine, lasagne, board games and films, so must get to the shops and stock up on the essentials (for example, I don’t own Scrabble! :-o) All best, and watch this space!