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Calling All Cardiff-ians

performance in a shopping centreA picture I took during the live-transmitted soundwalk Dream/Home, at Mayfest, we’re facing one of the characters as we hear her thoughts from across a shopping centre.

I need you, Cardiff dwellers, I need pictures, videos, floor plans, hand drawn maps, timings and/or descriptions of ATRium at the Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries, ideally beginning in or around the room ‘CA312’ in the ATRium. I don’t need all of them from the same person, whatever you can offer. If you can help, or know someone who can, please read on.

I have returned from my first holiday in several years, refreshed, cheerful, and with a lovely big deadline looping in the beginning of September. From the 8-10th of September I will be at the TaPRA annual conference, where on the final day I will be delivering an hour-long joint paper with my supervisor, currently called ‘A Paper Without Organs’. To cut the academic explanations short, basically it aims to investigate how useful (or not useful, as we suggest) the current tools of the academy and academic thought are in examining performance, particularly as it becomes more interactive and integral… Some hints and quotes:

“it is experienced – and learned – upon the body. Its message is illegible; it is inscribed upon [the] flesh” (from a piece on Deleuze by Dan) Plato said “you learn more from somebody in an hour of play than from a year of conversation” (Coney) “new space, like new machines, can only be represented in motion” (p.19 in Deleuze and Space)

The majority of my half of the paper will take the academics on a soundwalk around the conference building, intersecting with the paper, academic questions, conference/academic space, and as my supervisor Dan Watt puts it, hopefully bring people out of the ‘academic ghetto’ from which conferences are typically received. I’ll be drawing on the work of the Agency of Coney, Hide and Seek, and Duncan Speakman.

That’s the idea, anyway.

So why am I calling all Cardiff-ians? Well, my department can’t afford to send me to Cardiff twice. I usually need to explore an area first, before writing for it, but this time I can’t do so physically. Although it fits in with the theory of the paper that I am in some ways, doing it ‘blind’ – using the re-presentation of maps in the same way as much academic thought re-presents performance – I still need something to go on.

So I need you, Cardiff dwellers, I need pictures, videos, hand drawn maps, timings and descriptions of ATRium at the Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries, ideally beginning in or around the room ‘CA312’. The venue is walking distance from Cardiff Central rail station, so won’t be too far out the way. If you can help me, please get in contact, either leave a comment, talk to me on Twitter @hannahnicklin, or email me at h.k.nicklin [at]

And please share this far and wide, with anyone you know who might be able to help.

Thank you.

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Rain Reminds Reflections

Behold! The video of The Smell of Rain Reminds Me of You. It’s also on the updated site which contains some choice quotes from participants too.

I thought it would be good to reflect on the process of putting together #rainreminds in a slightly structured manner, as it could be a useful case study in successfully putting together and marketing an event, almost solely online, in a very short amount of time (two weeks). So here we go, headings and everything:

The provocation:

‘We have 100 umbrellas, and a finishing slot in the (pervasive gaming and interactive arts) Hazard MMX festival. We want to do something like a flashmob, we need good pictures.’

This is what I was given to begin with from Larkin’ About and the Green Room, Manchester. The requirements were something impactful in the city, interactive, that involved group action, and good photo opportunities. Having just completed , the opportunity to work simultaneously with a number of participants was a good next step, so I suggested a soundwalk for up to 100 people. Duncan Speakman’s subtlemobs are the closest to what I was thinking of. The umbrellas led me to ideas and significance of rain that I’d been developing with Walk With Me – the idea of how we used to need rain to make things grow led me also to the idea of spaces like Picadilly Gardens, and how we inhabit these transient spaces differently when young. Then I thought of kissing in the rain, and how it’s quite a ‘young’ relationship thing to do. (as one of the stories I went on to collect put it: “As we get older we tend to get a bit more pragmatic. Instead of lingering on wet pavements, enjoying a romantic embrace, we are more likely to head for the warm and the dry, where we can get on with the more urgent act of fucking.”) So I went and started making.

The process – making and marketing.

I started out by having these as two headings, but really, for the most part, they were one and the same. The very first sniff of the piece in public, was also me testing out my ideas. It all began with a small twtpoll, which discovered that nearly 60% of people (50 answered) had kissed someone in the pouring rain.

From finding this I decided to try and collect some of these stories, so I set up a tumblr site that allowed anyone to submit to, named or anonymously, stories to be shared under a creative commons license. In approaching a piece done by many I wanted my piece to reflect different kinds of experiences. You can see (and still submit to) the collected stories at This is where I first found the title of the piece, people were able to naturally follow up ‘yes I have kissed someone in the rain’ provoking a memory, by then writing down, and the ideas of kissing in the rain, and story telling were tweeted and blogged far and wide. Continue reading Rain Reminds Reflections