Look! It’s me! And Sean and Keir! Being people who make music and tell stories together! We’re currently on day 5 of 5 days making a 20 minute show from scratch – Songs For Breaking Britain. We spent Monday and Tuesday (in the post-MEGA STORM drizzle) collecting stories from anyone willing to stop and chat to us in Kennington. As ever with this kind of process we took out a bunch of questions to start the conversations, and these refined over the time, but mostly they looked like this:
Do you like it here?
What /who inspires you?
Where would you say you are from?
What’s the biggest injustice in Britain right now?
What does democracy/politics/community mean to you?
How much do you trust the papers/media?
What makes you angry?
What’s your favourite song?
Do you feel British? What does that mean to you?
Where do you feel happiest?
Do you like your job?
What do you care about?
What is important to you?
After two days of chatting, we came into the rehearsal room, told each other about the people we had met. Made the traditional great big wall of post its, and rearranged them by themes that started to emerge. Over the past 2 days we’ve put together 3 songs in response to what people told us. The (imaginatively named) Name Song, The Leaving Song, and The Work Song. There’s a bit of chatting in between, and mostly the music is loud and brilliant, and I try to keep up with shouting and speaking and storytelling and explaining and asking you to listen to the people we listened to.
We hope it’s going to be good. It’s certainly been fun.
And next Wednesday (6th) to Saturday (9th) we’re going to be performing the show as part of a double bill at Ovalhouse Theatre. In Oval.
You should come, eh?
If you want to bring a mate, use the code STAYRAD and get 2 for £10 tickets. And if you’re coming, I’d recommend the Friday/Saturday because our lovely drummer can’t make the first too shows. Sean is also lovely but for MAXIMUM LOVELINESS come on the last two nights. We might even know how to play our songs by then. GETCHOR TICKETS HERE
Here’s a bit of 12 secs mucking about in rehearsal: