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Performance in the Pub Event 6

I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS! There’s also a facebook event. Copy copy copy:

title // @performancepub // facebook page 

I am delighted to announce the SIXTH Performance in the Pub, happening at the Crumblin’ Cookie, Thursday the 6th of December, at 8pm.

Ticket link!

Back with a December show after a glorious Autumn reboot, Performance in the Pub returns to Leicester with two shows about personal-as-political journeys; funny, striking and affecting by turn, this double bill of DIY performance moves from a work in progress about beauty pageants and dog shows to hitchhiking from Glasgow to Italy. Although I should say it’s technically a triple bill, because Victoria Melody comes complete with Major Tom, her Basset Hound. AN ACTUAL REAL LIFE DOG.

Also, I might make mince pies for the people who donate over a 5ver. MINCE PIES. Yes.

So, on the 6th of December PitP will be welcoming the brilliant:

Kieran Hurley with Hitch
Major Tom, a work-in-progress showing by Victoria Melody

Thursday December 6th downstairs at the Crumblin’ Cookie in Leicester (LE1 5YP). Doors at 7-7.30, show starts at 7.30-8pm, and should be done by 10pm. Break-even donation at full capacity is £5.

Ticket link!

So! What’s it all about, then?

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