SO. Performance in the Pub 1 happened, it was brilliant, Tassos and Ira were ace, it got a lovely review, it broke EXACTLY EVEN, and I learnt through a slightly disappointing audience size that you apparently can’t build a community IRL overnight. So, onwards! Upwards!
First, here are some of the lovely tweets about event 1:
@peterwyeth: @performancepub 1 was cool last night! Felt challenged, moved, awkward and all sorts of stuff. Intimate pieces with intimate performances.
@frivolousshrig: Just got back from @performancepub after having no idea what to expect. Very accessible small plays by very talented performers, it seems =D
@discoverbrevity: Heart meltingly beautiful story by @tassosstevens at @performancepub Who’s coming with me on 22 March for event 2?
@churlishmeg: Back from brilliant night watching @irabrand & @tassosstevens at the 1st @performancepub. Next one 22nd March! You’re a twat if you miss it.
And now, introducing something that is guaranteed to be an amazing thing to bring unsure mates to: Dan Bye and Laura Mugridge will be doing Performance in the Pub 2! Enter: copy.
Happening on the 22nd of March 2012, at the Crumblin’ Cookie at the heart of the city of Leicester.
The second show will be a double bill of solo story-telling theatre. We put these two shows together because they both play with the idea of being ‘true stories about made up things’; value, and a man who journeyed to the bottom of the sea. They’re also ace.
Laura Mugridge will be performing The Watery Journey of Nereus Pike accompanied by live music from the brilliant Tom Adams. This is a half an hour work-in-progress show, but is guaranteed to be lovely and transporting, with the witty delivery of a theatre-maker whose began her career in stand-up comedy. Here’s how Laura describes the piece: “It is about an old man who begins the show floating on the surface of the water, and makes it to the bottom of the ocean. It’s a true story that I made up.”
“Mugridge is endearingly sweet, quietly witty and knows exactly how to take an audience into her world”. – WHATSONSTAGE.COM
Laura is a comedian, improviser, theatre maker and writer. She is originally from Lancashire, which means that she likes Eccles Cakes and that when she went to America, people didn’t understand her accent at all. Laura’s Running On Air – a story for an audience of 5 told from the inside of her VW campervan ‘Joni’ – won a Fringe First award at Edinburgh in 2010.
Daniel Bye will bring us The Price of Everything. A comedy-come-performance lecture about value. How much is beauty worth? What would you get for an air guitar on eBay? These important questions (and others) are answered in Daniel Bye’s hilarious and provocative stand-up/powerpoint presentation/storytelling show. Daniel has been described as “The future of British theatre” by The Times, though he points out that “this is from a review that’s now several years old, so by by rights I ought to be the present of British theatre”.
“With some genuinely fascinating sciencey stuff at the beginning and several hilarious and well-told stories interspersed, The Price of Everything is a warm and welcome piece of theatre” – The Leeds Guide.
Dan is a writer, director and performer of immediate, playful, surprising theatre. His work plays with with comedy and tragedy, roughness and polish, truth and astonishment. His work has been described as “almost perfect” by the Scotsman; “near perfect” and “genius” by the Stage; “Fantastic” and “excellent” by the Herald; and “stylish”, “terrific” and even “intelligent” by the Guardian.
Doors will open at 7pm, and the shows will start just after 7:30, the first show is 45 minutes long, and the second approximately 55, there’ll be a 25 minute break in between for people to get more drinks.
Stupidly happy and excited to welcome Dan and Laura to Leciester. Please do tell EVERYONE you know about it – I especially need help inviting East Midlands folk to the facebook event. It’s pay-what-you-can, it will be funny and lovely, and in an incredibly relaxed atmosphere. COME!