I am delighted to announce the SEVENTH Performance in the Pub, happening at the Crumblin’ Cookie, Thursday the 7th of January, at 8pm (doors at 7.30pm). TICKET LINK!
(warning, the following information is shamelessy C+V’d from the performanceinthepub.co.uk website, but I wrote that, so it’s not like stealing or anything)
Back in the new year with an incredibly exciting lineup – Performance in the Pub returns to Leicester with two shows about memory, nostalgia, and the ways we fit together our own story. This double bill of DIY performance tumbling into poetry presents two performance poets crossing over into the the world of theatre as they move from the dusty boxes of an attic in Essex, to the long-left streets of Atlanta, Georgia.
As ever, free stickers (and badges if I can afford them) for everyone who donates over £5. TICKET LINK!
So, on the 17th of January Performance in the Pub will be hosting the brilliant:
Fergus Evans with My Heart is Hitchhiking Down Peachtree St. and
Stand By for Tape Back up, a work-in-progress showing by Ross Sutherland
So! What’s it all about, then?
My Heart is Hitchhiking Down Peachtree St. – Fergus Evans
Fergus has lived in England for almost seven years. He hasn’t been back to his hometown in five.My Heart is Hitchhiking Down Peachtree St. is a one-man show about living far away from home. It’s about the stories you tell people when they ask you when you’re from. It’s about learning that once you leave, you can’t go back. Not in the same way, anyway.
‘a refreshing reminder of just what can be achieved in Theatre’ – thepublicreviews
“Gently perceptive… rich and unhurried… its questions about home, memories and distance pack an emotional punch” – Total Theatre
And then there’s Ross Sutherland’s piece –
Standby For Tape Back-Up – Ross Sutherland
Ross Sutherland found an old videotape in his loft. On it: two episodes of The Fresh Prince of BelAir, half a Crystal Maze and the opening 10 minutes of Jaws. He has remixed the tape to tell his life story.
“Top Ten Literary Star” – The Times
I’ve been trying to get hold of these two for AGES. They’re both brilliant. Properly brilliant. So, y’know, join us, on the 17th of January, and also, do stick around and hang out after. And head over to the facebook event if you fancy inviting mates along. I’d like that. FIT poster designed by the brilliant Lee Innes. HIRE HIM.