So yes, now these two things have been given out as presents I can finally blog about them. The painting is a small one (about as small as I can go, really) something like 8×10″, and was done for my dad’s birthday (he likes birds of prey). The other was a scarf knitted from 3 balls of grey yarn, all 100% wool, with some neon shades thrown in. The design was mostly dark grey with a vertical panel of lighter grey on one side (15st in lt gr, 30 in dk gr), with thin double lines of the two neon colours every 24 rows. And who doesn’t love pom poms? Actually, me. 12 pom poms practically took me 6 hours. Anyway, you get to see me modelling the scarf in my pyjamas. Enjoy.

(sorry about the dull colours on the scarf, but the flash was just way too harsh.)
Future creative projects include using ends of yarn to do some more baby clothes for sprogged up friends, and finding people to buy paintings off me. Any ideas for general paintings that could sell well? Answers on a post card…