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Photo of me speaking into a mic


Photo of me speaking into a mic
Photo from GameCity taken by Phillippa Warr

TL;DR: go here.

Exciting announcement! Jake Tucker, on the strength of a few people’s recommendations (which is awesome) has invited me to be VideoBrains‘ new resident speaker. For those of you who don’t know, VideoBrains is a (currently) London-based monthly night of talks around games. There’s a different theme each month, this month’s was All’s Fair In Love and Games (about love, sex, and games) and next month’s is Non Player Characters (and however the speakers are going to respond to the theme of NPCs)

But as it’s not just a one off talk, but 6 months as resident speaker, I have the opportunity to try out something a bit inventive. So I’m picking a theme of my own!  Starting in June I’m going to do a monthly series of talks on the psychogeography of games.

If you’ve not come across it before, psychogeography  (which my autocorrect has learnt 3 different spellings of, well done me.) is a really chewy word for how our environments make us feel; how they effect us. I’m interested in how where we come from affects what we make – so what I’m going to do is spend time with great people who make games walking in a place that is where they live, work, or is otherwise important to them.

Each month I’ll make a new performance/talk/thing in response to that experience. Each month’s thing will respond entirely to the experience of walking with game designers.

Examples of people I have spoken to about doing the thing:

  • Ed Key (Proteus): a walk through the Lake District where he lives and walks, talking about his relationship to the fell landscape, his ideas on rewilding, and the affect nature has in and on his work.
  • George Buckenham (@v21 – Cubes, Wild Rumpus, Mutazione): George grew up in far West London – near Richmond. He now lives in East London (Stepney). He and I will walk from where he lives now, to where he grew up, without once referencing a map. We won’t stop until we’ve made it.

Each one will be different. Each thing I make will be different.

There will be 3 men and 3 women (I have 6 people in mind, just haven’t had all the conversations yet) 2 of whom are based outside the UK, 2 in London, and two in Not London.

And the results will take in p much all of my practice, I might make interactive sound based performance for a crowd, I might do a new piece of storytelling or spoken word inspired by our conversations, it might just be a photo tour of where we went and what we saw.

If you’re interested in the sound of this, you can help, too. I’ve set up a Patreon – which is sort of monthly subscription crowdfunding – you can cancel at any time, but if you choose to put $5 or so my way each month, it’ll go towards supporting me do a really cool thing, which is going to take up a bit more time than an average talk (4-5 days a month I reckon). Plus if you do choose to back me in making this thing then you’ll get all of the inside knowledge – who I’m walking with, all of the source material and thoughts that those who see the videos of the final pieces won’t see, and there are a couple of cool rewards, plus a zine I’ll make of the 6 pieces that you can get at the end of this year/beginning of the next.

So yeah, read more about that on Patreon and look out for me at VideoBrains from June!

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Previews Tour

A lot of Big Things have happened this month. And you know how Big Things sit on your reality and timescales a bit like the metaphorical orange on a plastic sheet of astrophysics? Well among other things a date I have been looking at from the ‘before’ of for three years suddenly now is in the ‘after’. I totally passed my viva and am now Dr Hannah. Yep, that’s right. Officially now have more letters after my name than in it (BA (Hons), MPhil(b), PhD), small corrections to make for the 1st of January, but otherwise DOCTOR. Which, it turns out, is just a word. And I’m still the same. Still earn substantially less than the minimum income standard, still go on earnest but overly simplistic rants on twitter, still sway to the same procrastination and worries. And speaking of worries. One of them is that it turns out that ‘after’ viva time contain a lot of ‘almost previews tour for A Conversation With My Father’ time.


So, while my job is to re-learn all of the lines and directions, your job, dear readers, is to PLEASE COME TO THEM!

What is it? Let’s ask the Ctrl+V Fairy!

A Conversation With My Father

Made in collaboration with Alex Kelly

This is a true story.

This is a story about Them. A story about Us. A story about my dad – a retired policeman – and me, a protestor. About fear, bravery, being kettled, Superted, the Lone Ranger, policing the people in front of you, and being sent out of class. It’s about working out what matters, and standing up to protect it.

It’s about me, and my Dad.

There are also some jokes in it. Because serious things are worth laughing at a little bit.

Mentored and supported by Third Angel. Supported with public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England, ARC Stockton and Theatre in the Mill. Additional support from Embrace Arts and Sheffield Theatres.


It’s going to be doing previews in three cities beginning with ‘L’, because that’s how I rolll. NEED MORE VISUAL STIMULATION? There’s a trailer at the bottom. Scrolll.

Previews Tour Dates:

20th July – Leicester (at the Crumblin’ Cookie 3pm MATINEE)
Tickets by donation on the door, facebook event:

21st July – Leeds (HUB, 5pm)
Tickets by donation after the event, info here, facebook event:

24th-25th July – London (Battersea Arts Centre, 7.30pm)
Tickets and Facebook event:

Before running in Edinburgh at Northern Stage at St. Stephen’s 14th-24th August (exl  20th) 8.05pm
Tickets: here  Facebook Event: