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The development of A Conversation with my Father

Post doesn’t really come better than this. Almost ecstatically delighted to tell you all that I’ve been offered a small Grant for the Arts to develop A Conversation With My Father into a full-length tourable solo show beginning in the first week of January next year. The work will be in partnership with 3 major theatres, and I will be mentored throughout the process by the brilliant performer, director, and all-round lovely person, Alex Kelly of Third Angel. I’ll also be receiving some professional development on tour-booking and the like from their general manager Hilary Foster. All of whom/which have provided me with extremely generous support. I’ll blog with full details on the venues, expected process (including work in progress showings) and timings as soon as I’ve been in full contact with everyone, but for now: here’s a little bit about ACW, in case you haven’t heard/don’t remember me mentioning it before. Words, then a rough bit of video – all images and sounds from or of me, and my dad.

A Conversation with My Father is a solo (true) storytelling piece born out of a conversation between an ex-policeman and his protestor daughter. A conversation about fear, grey areas, them and us, duty, and standing up to protect what you think matters. The piece is based around a recording of Hannah Nicklin talking to her father about policing and protest. It is not about which side you should take, it’s a conversation about the problem of ‘sides’ in the first place.

I want to tell you what it feels like to face a line of riot police. Ask you to listen to my dad speak about what it feels like to be that line. To tell you how proud my dad is of me for standing up for things. How thankful I am for the courage he gave me. I want to ask you to think about the stories the media tell about ‘them’ and ‘us’. 

It is a story about:

About the power of stories.
About finding better ones to tell ourselves about the world.
It’s also about me, and my father.

“[…] as topical in these days of police ‘kettling’ and undercover provocateurs as it might be timeless in its questioning of the basis of a functioning civic society.” – Wayne Burrows

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A Conversation With… in Leicester

a silly picture of me at Performance in the Pub.
A picture of me at Performance in the Pub. Thanks to David Wilson Clark for the image. No thanks to me for pulling silly faces.

So I’m still looking out for opportunities to put the current early work in progress version of A Conversation With My Father in front of audiences, to get a feel for it, and also for, y’know, actually properly performing myself, which is something I haven’t done before now. I’m looking to spend a week on it somewhere with some imaginary money and brilliant director/devisor post-PhD to get something full length and tourable, but for now, I’m grabbing at every opportunity to keep trying it out. So am delighted to find it selected for the brilliant Hatch’s Scratch (scratch means work in progress) all-day event at Embrace Arts in Leicester on the 17th of June. Which is also, slightly aptly, father’s day. Come see it with your fathers! My father might even be there! You should totally come. There will be two performances with limited audiences (12-15) which you sign up for on the day. Will be really nice to perform some of my own work in Leicester. Plus the tickets are totally free.

Also, it’s also worth mentioning, that there is by coincidence an amazing East Midlands performance line-up over the Thursday-Sunday, which if you’re anywhere nearby you should definitely try and get to. On the Thursday 14th there’s my Performance in Pub event 4 (obviously); featuring poems, stories, and a stage version of the Fringe First Award winning ‘Oh Fuck Moment’ from Chris Thorpe and Hannah Jane Walker. Then on the Friday there’s a brilliant double bill from Hatch over in Nottingham featuring Frank Abbott & Mamoru Iriguchi, then on the Saturday at DMU in Leicester there’s the Circuit showcase of new East Midlands work (the programming is much better than the website, please don’t be put off by the website), and then the Hatch: Scratch event on the Sunday! You can get your FREE tickets for that over here. Ace times, East Midlands, ace times.