An estate in Poplar, East London.
A tall blue-sky day
In Winter
Explore and discover the stories of the 2,010 people who live on the Teviot Estate in East London. Retold as part of a residency by artist and game designer Hannah Nicklin
-> Play the Game <-
Teviot Tales is a new storytelling game designed by Hannah Nicklin with artwork from Michael Parkin. Based on a 6 month part time residency where Hannah ran poetry, game design and storytelling workshops for all ages, and explored the local area, speaking to residents, inviting them to tell her their stories.
It culminated in a free exhibition offering residents and visitors an opportunity to play the storytelling game (made in free software ‘Twine’) and to explore a selection of the writing, game design and stories that came out of the workshops. You can also play the game online.
Hannah Nicklin, was the Social Housing Art Network (SHAN) artist in residence for the Teviot Estate Winter/Spring 2015-16. The residency was supported by SHAN and Poplar HARCA. Her residency began in late October 2015. Find out more on the dedicated site poplarpeople.co.uk.