Games and Play for Big Outdoor Days was a curated game jam between devising theatre makers, pervasive game designers, and computer game developers, it took place in Winchester on the 28th-30th January 2016.
Read more about it, including a detailed evaluation, over here: festivalgamejam.tumblr.com
The game jam featured an array of exciting makers, including Holly Gramazio (Matheson Marcault), Kerry Turner (Heartwood), Ed Key (Proteus), Khadijah Ibrahiim (Another Crossing), Harry Giles (Everything I Bought and How it Made Me Feel), Simon Johnson (2.8 Hours Later), to find out more about them all, check out the makers page.
Exploring cross-artform collaboration in designing games and playful experiences for festivals, the Game and Play for Big Outdoor Days game jam produced rapid prototypes for outdoor playing audiences of hundreds or more. You can read more about what was made over on the What We Made page.
There was also be a dedicated critical response, (also in collaboration) between games writer Cara Ellison, and theatre writer and critic David Ralph. To find out more have a look at the Critical Response section.
The game jam was curated by Hannah Nicklin, and was a collaboration with Hat Fair. Support for the event came from Theatre Royal Winchester and theWithout Walls street arts consortium.