The Latin Quarter – couldn't be bothered to queue to go in Notre Dame, was kind of landmarked out- so I went and did what I much prefer – wandered around 'til I got lost, and discovered things. I found a cake shop, an exhibition of the original character designs for Ice Age 3, a protest against Islamaphobia and came across some live music in a park. Which is hopefully what this is a video of. Hopefully. Some pics to follow, just wanted to see if this works…
Category: Update
General, usually informal updates as to what I’m up to.
And I’m back. In Lincolnshire that is. After a very long, very full, and very life-changing week. I went into the theoretical detail of Shift Happens in my previous post, so I shan’t say anything I’ve already said. But I will say it was the best two days of my life. I hope you don’t think that’s sad. It was just such a pleasure to be able to combine my love of the theatrical and digital worlds in one intense, intellectually engaged, passionate place. I met some amazing people, and since then have had some amazing opportunities/things happen to me which I can’t really talk about publicly yet, but really have made me a very excited, happy person. I’m so very grateful to Marcus at Pilot Theatre for finding me on Twitter, and for inviting me along, and I’m also really grateful to everyone else who took part, and who connected with me on those two days, whether we agreed or not, that what I loved, the chance to connect.
What else happened to me this week? Well I saw The Age of Stupid at the Drill Hall, which although not strictly brilliant in terms of a credible over-arching narrative, it sure did make the case that needs to be made RE climate change. It felt like a film that could (and should) be shown in schools and universities across the country.
Then I wrote a blog post that got more traffic than the rest of my previous 78 posts combined. Which is amazing, and brilliant, and I’m really grateful that people want to engage with my ideas.
On Friday I got an iPhone. Which is wonderful. And I love it. I’m particularly enjoying being able to do readings of some of my shorter pieces of writing, which you can listen to, subscribe to, or download via iTunes, here.
I also heard that my article on women in tech (The Digital Ceiling) is going to be published in issue 8 of Subtext.
And then on Saturday I went to the Mili-band protest. Which is a whole other blog subject entirely. So I did one. See the next post for further details…