Equations for a Moving Body is a new piece of storytelling about endurance sport by Hannah Nicklin.
“So interesting, engaging and relatable. Beautifully human.” – Audience member, Newcastle.
Equations For A Moving Body is a story about the physiology of endurance – when our brains tell our bodies to stop – and the psychology of carrying on. It is a story about preparing mind and body for a 2.4 mile swim, 112 miles of cycling, then running a marathon. About the people who share that journey with us: family, coaches, friends, ex-boyfriends, and the people we swim, ride and run alongside. What carries us to the finish line? What’s left at the end of 141 miles of swimming, cycling and running?
Alongside scientists and psychologists from the University of Northumbria, documentary footage from filmmaker Niall Coffey, and with help and direction from collaborator Alexander Kelly, Hannah Nicklin will attempt to tell the story of what it means both psychologically and physiologically to train for and attempt a great feat of endurance, and the reasons we do these (frankly ridiculous) kinds of things.
You can follow a blog specifically about the process of training for and making the show at ironman.hannahnicklin.com.
And an original documentary made by Niall Coffey here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOBKWvKv3NY
”brutally honest, life-changing and utterly riveting. […] we find among the sheer self-determination a sense of solidarity and social idealism fuelling her drive and energy.” – TheReviewsHub.com
Supported by generous grants from: Northern Stage’s 2014 Title Pending Award, public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England, and a Wellcome Trust Arts Award. In association with Northern Stage (as part of the Title Pending Award 2014), ARC Stockton, Camden People’s Theatre, Carriageworks Theatre, Sheffield University, Northumbria University, and Third Angel. Coached by Simon Ward, The Triathlon Coach.