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Performance in the Pub Event 6

I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS! There’s also a facebook event. Copy copy copy:

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I am delighted to announce the SIXTH Performance in the Pub, happening at the Crumblin’ Cookie, Thursday the 6th of December, at 8pm.

Ticket link!

Back with a December show after a glorious Autumn reboot, Performance in the Pub returns to Leicester with two shows about personal-as-political journeys; funny, striking and affecting by turn, this double bill of DIY performance moves from a work in progress about beauty pageants and dog shows to hitchhiking from Glasgow to Italy. Although I should say it’s technically a triple bill, because Victoria Melody comes complete with Major Tom, her Basset Hound. AN ACTUAL REAL LIFE DOG.

Also, I might make mince pies for the people who donate over a 5ver. MINCE PIES. Yes.

So, on the 6th of December PitP will be welcoming the brilliant:

Kieran Hurley with Hitch
Major Tom, a work-in-progress showing by Victoria Melody

Thursday December 6th downstairs at the Crumblin’ Cookie in Leicester (LE1 5YP). Doors at 7-7.30, show starts at 7.30-8pm, and should be done by 10pm. Break-even donation at full capacity is £5.

Ticket link!

So! What’s it all about, then?

Major Tom is an early work in progress from Victoria Melody.  Here’s how she introduced it on a blog post at the beginning of

her process: “One morning in the 1980s in the advert break of Saturday cartoons I was pulled in by an advert for a toy from American toymakers Tonka. That toy was a pound puppy, a stuffed basset hound dog with floppy ears and droopy eyes. At the age of 27 I decided I was serious enough to own a real basset. I picked him up from Kent and called him Major Tom in the vague hope that he would howl along to Bowie songs and I could get a cabaret spot. To cut a long story short Major Tom turned out to be a show-stopping stud. People in the street would stop and gawp, tourists would flash their cameras at him, dog professionals drooled and I was told that if this dog wasn’t taken to dog shows I would be depriving the World”. 

Major Tom’s first championship show was a disaster, feeling an overpowering sense of guilt about her dog being scrutinised, Victoria decided to put herself through the same process by becoming a beauty queen. Major Tom and Victoria increasingly immerse themselves into the obsessive and confusing realm of personal scrutiny as they participate as genuine contestants and aim to win.

And so the dog Major Tom is going to Crufts and Victoria at 34 and 5ft 4 is going to the Mrs England 2013 beauty pageant. She currently holds the title of Mrs Brighton. This show is a work in progress showing about Victoria and Major Tom’s journey so far. Brilliant, funny, warmly amusing stuff.

Here’s my favourite quote about Victoria Melody and her work:

‘She is either an idiot or a genius, it is up to you to decide’ – University tutor reference for Chelsea College of Art

 or if you like a ‘proper’ quote from a review of the show itself:

 “beneath the show’s natural charm there’s an uneasy commentary on self-obsession…” Ben Hunt, Exeunt magazine – Sampled 2012

And then this will be swiftly followed (after due drinks break) with one of the best, quietly life affirming pieces of work I have ever had the privilege to witness. Kieran Hurley’s Hitch. Here’s how Kieran introduces it:

“On the 8th of July 2009, the leaders of the eight most powerful countries in the world met for three days in the earthquake-ravaged town of L’Aquila in Italy to make plans for the future of our society and our planet. On 27th June, I hitched a lift from Glasgow, alone, to be there too. Humorous, honest, thought-provoking and ultimately hopeful, Hitch is a story of global leaders, compassionate strangers, a young man…and his thumb.”

Hitch is a gentle and open piece of storytelling about the real experience of this journey. Kieran recounts his journey openly, honestly, funnily, and with real compassion. Tackling all the doubts, adventures and moments of quiet optimism and despair he encounters on the way. Not to be missed. Properly. Not. To. Be Missed.

The best performance I’ve ever seen.
Chris Goode – The Observer

Also, to give you a taste of the show, why not check out the guys who made the soundtrack for Hitch? Over the Wall is a brilliant Glasgow based two-piece band – listen to them over at this link and check their full album out here:

Join us, on the 6th of December, and also, do stick around and hang out with us after.

Ticket link!

Thursday December 6th downstairs at the Crumblin’ Cookie in Leicester (LE1 5YP). Doors at 7-7.30, show starts at 7.30-8pm, and should be done by 10pm. Break-even donation at full capacity is usually around £5, any more is very welcome, and it all goes to paying for food, accommodation, travel, print and props. Artists, venue, and the organiser all give their time and space for free. Because they’re lovely


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