an image from the maker's scrapbook on tumblr, click to visit.
“An untold story is richer than a told story. This must be why this medium seems so suitable for the kind of art I tend to create. We can just create existences. We don’t need histories, stories, explanations, meaning. Just things. In all their mute mystery. The beauty of being.”
Tale of Tales are blogging the making of their new game Bientôt l’été with delicacy and generosity. A must read for theatre people interested in interactive things, I’d say. And games people. And writing people. And people people, the kind with hearts and minds and who like getting drunk, and watching strangers in cafes. Here’s another bit:
“Contrary to my ambiguous feelings concerning the multiple deadlines I’m setting myself during this late phase in the production of Bientôt l’été, I actually really like the idea of a videogame that’s never finished.
I think this harks back to my earlier love of the website as an artistic medium. A website is a living thing. It’s always up but changes all the time. As such it’s never finished. To finish a website is to kill it. A website is not built with finishing in mind. It keeps changing, sometimes from the top, by adding new content, sometimes from the bottom, in response to user interaction.”