This is just a quick post to say that I will be off the radar for the next week or so. This is due to a a myriad of different things I’ve been working on all culminating in the first two weeks of October. A lot of what I’m doing is going to be really interesting, vibrant stuff, so I’m hoping to fit in a couple of blogs, but if not, the best place to find out what I’m up to is Twitter.
In the meantime, here’s a snapshot (in no particular order) of what I’m up to over the next 2 weeks:
- I’m working with Theatre Writing Partnership to amplify the launch of Momentum 2009, which includes a two day city-wide writing adventure (from which I will be micro, audio and video blogging), as well as co-ordinating an online task which allows anyone to participate remotely, more on that in coming days, but it looks to be really exciting.
- I’m moving house this Sunday, and (this is another reason for radio silence) because it’s a new build, getting the internet fitted is going to be a real pain. The people I’m talking to have been really helpful, but I may be reduced to buying pints of apple juice in Wi-Fi enabled bars to get my work done… but that’s a minor gripe, really, because the fact remains I am MOVING INTO MY OWN HOUSE. All mine, all of it. It’s not huge, but it’s awesomely situated, and after having lived in over 16 houses in 7 years, never sharing with fewer than 3 people (the most was 8), I’m really looking for ward to giving the whole ‘in-one-place-for-a-bit’ thing a go. Hopefully I’ll like it.
- I’m attending the EMUA ‘Beyond Boundaries’ conference (the day after I move). Lots of intriguing stuff going on there, a lot of it feels over-academicised (though that may just be the way it’s written up). I’m certainly intrigued, after having dipped my toes in the on the ground ‘grass roots’ tech scene, as to how realistic the academic take on it all is.
- I’m going to Stratford-on-Avon to crash the press night of the two Former Soviet-Union plays they have on at the moment. Very excited about this, I haven’t seen very much theatre at all this Summer, this is me changing that.
- I’m taking my brother to see Marcus Brigstocke in Nottingham for his birthday. It’s been too long, hopefully should be a brilliant night.
- I’m going to London for a ‘Playwriting for the iPod Generation’ workshop. “what happens to the story when mobile technology takes your writing outside of the theatre space. How can the architecture of a space shape your story? What happens when your stage is full of unrehearsed passers-by?”. Hopefully this is going to be bloody amazing.
- I’m writing the first draft of a commission due on the 12th of October. Buh >_<
- And I begin my PhD on the 1st
Plus Autumn is coming. I really love Autumn. I like the taste of the air.
Just wanted to say a big GOOD LUCK! And also that I love Autumn too. It is my favourite season of colours and smells and feelings in the air, and I love being able to get my big red coat back out of the wardrobe!